leveephleck man's profile

Georgedale Cemetary Hwy 17N Holmes County MS 10/30/2022

These pictures were taken at Georgeville Cemetary off of Highway 17 North (Holmes County, MS off of Interstate 55) down some lonely gravel road on Oct 30, 2022. I think there was an angry skunk in the hollow of the tree. Smelled that way. Didn't see him. Due to the overcast and mild rain, the color/brightness of the photos didn't come out as well as I hoped. Didn't want to "brighten" them up in shop. Used a Canon A-1 with a 50mm 1.4f prime lens with Fuji Xperia+ 400. Scanned with Plustek Opticfilm 8200i SE using Vuescan on Ubuntu. Shop'd out dust and scratches as well as possible.
Georgedale Cemetary Hwy 17N Holmes County MS 10/30/2022

Georgedale Cemetary Hwy 17N Holmes County MS 10/30/2022
